Each summer Northside comes together to support our partnering schools, ministry organizations, and Northside teachers as they impact future generations. Join us to strengthen our community by supporting our schools and teachers!

You can grab a tag on Sundays starting June 30 through July 14 to purchase school supplies for a child in our community and below you will find opportunities to help clear the list for some of our Northside teachers. All supplies should be returned on or before July 21. Thank you for helping us impact our community!

Clear the List!

Teachers have a tough job and we want to help set them up for a great school year! We are supporting Northside teachers by sharing their classroom wishlists and encouraging our church family to help clear the list!

Check out the list of Northside teachers below and help us support them as they play a big part in the lives of our children and students.

Amanda E

Since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I am so blessed to be in my dream job. I get to spend time with precious little kindergarteners who make me laugh and make me feel loved every single day.

Amanda J

I love teaching because I consider my school to be my mission field. I wake up every morning and get to love on some kids who might not be receiving much love at home. It’s what I was called to do and there’s nowhere else I would rather be 

Kindergarten at Timber Creek Elementary in Tomball ISD (this will be my 8th year there) 


I love teaching because I get to serve students in many capacities.I get to help them reach their highest potential academically! I also guide them in talking through their problems and show them the importance of treating everyone kindly. My students also teach me things everyday. They help me appreciate the little things and show me so much love.  

Mahaffey Elementary- 2nd grade 


Teaching brings my heart so much joy. I love walking in on that first day of school and greeting a class full of eager students ready to begin the new school year. Our class becomes a little family. We learn and grow so much with one another throughout the school year. Getting to be a small part of these students’ lives is an honor. I am so delighted that this is what I get to do.   

4th Grade Math & Science – Kardia Christian Academy   

Carol Ann

I teach because I love the relationship I have with my students. I love pouring into them, and I learn so much from them, as well! 

 5th grade at Timber Creek Elementary


I love teaching in  public school because it’s a mission field where I get to show students what it’s like to be loved like Jesus loves. Without mentioning His name or my religion once my hope is that my students and I have a foundational relationship where they know that in my class they are respected, valued, and cared for by someone who loves them because He loves me.  

Special Education at Bradley Elementary  


We are moving into our 5th year of homeschooling and study everything under the sun using Christian based curriculum & enjoy serving and within our community as a form of good citizenship. Our family feels blessed to be able to educate our children at home & I feel very thankful that God has called me to serve our family in this way.

2nd & 3rd Grade

I became a teacher because I wanted to be a great coach. I learned that in order to be a great coach I had to also be a great servant and build great relationships with players.

Cy Ridge HS (2nd year here but 14 years overall)

I absolutely love my job! In my role, I get to instill a knowledge and love of Jesus and a foundational Biblical worldview in all of my students through our Bible curriculum, a love of worship and the Biblical concepts within each month’s chosen worship song, and then just have fun learning conversational Spanish!

Bible, Music, and Spanish for grades K-5, and the upper level Bible teacher for grades 6-8 at Kardia Christian Academy


I love teaching because I love being able to have a daily impact on people (little or big). Everyone has a different background, and it is my daily mission to give my students a safe place to come and learn and feel loved. Ever since I was in college and experienced mission work at a very deep and dear level, God had it in his plans for my ministry to be to my students in my classroom. My classroom has always been a place of authenticity, laughter, team-building and learning. I have taught at the secondary level for twenty years, and I’m super excited to teach music now to the children on a foundational level. I have always loved music, and I see it as the vehicle to reach young people with the love of Jesus. 

Zwink Elementary -Kinder through 5th 


I have been in education 15 years and aspire to continue for many more. Not only do I love teaching young minds but I enjoy molding them into awesome humans even more! I’m looking forward to a fresh year and would appreciate any help making that possible! 

Reading Specialist – Trinity Lutheran School


Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I enjoy learning, and delight in creating opportunities for students to fall in love with learning as well. Teaching plays a vital role in shaping our future. It is through teaching that I can empower students to become well-rounded individuals ready to impact the world. If I can do that AND talk to my students about Jesus? That’s a dream job! 

1st grade at The Woodlands Methodist School


Over my teaching career I have realized there is a need to fill some unexpected gaps that students might experience. Years ago I started keeping a small amount of possible gap needs for the students. With your help filling my list, I hope to provide a bit more help filling those unexpected gaps.

Teaching 25 years


I love teaching Choir because singing has been my passion since joining Choir in 5th Grade. I want to inspire my students not just to love music, but to love themselves and know they are loved.

Head Choir Director, Wunderlich Intermediate

School Partnerships

All school year long, Northside partners with two Klein ISD schools, Roth Elementary and Schindewolf Intermediate, to impact the students in our schools and community.

You can use your gifts to make an impact for our community schools, such as mentoring, helping teachers and much more.

Find out how you can serve and make a difference. Join us for an interest meeting on August 11 at 9:30am in the Depot.

The Horizon Project
The Horizon Project

Each year Northside Supports our ministry partners at The Horizon Project (formerly Sheltering Harbour), through our Back To School tags.


Your generosity and support allows kids in foster care to receive back to school items. Making them feel loved and valued as they start a new school year.

Help with Back to School

There are a few ways you can help beyond buying school supplies or clearing a list for a teacher. If you are interested in helping with sorting supplies or planning a Back to School party let us know here!

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